Who is Desireé B. Stephens?

Educator | Counselor |Community Builder

Hey! Nice to meet you. I am Desireé B Stephens and I seek to be a facilitator of world change via liberation work through decolonization and whole self-healing.

I do this work through paradigm shifts, and creating new systems. I focus on serving and helping others by working with the systems and processes that already exist and aiding you in creating new systems and thought patterns that will get you into a space of creating and manifesting what you desire.

This is deep shadow work to healing.

We’re here to decolonize everything!

“Everything and every thought that we have as a society and individual has been influenced and shaped by colonization. It’s time to liberate yourself.” I can help.

What is Shadow Work?

Welcome To The Journey Within

Shadow work is integrative work.

It is the practice of bringing together all aspects of oneself and reconciling the trauma and subconscious to get to the highest point of self-healing.

Shadow work is about acknowledging that the pain exists and embracing the parts of you that were created to suppress the shadow.

It is acknowledging, it is befriending, it is the greatest form of radical self-acceptance.

Shadow work is digging into the depth of that pain to seek the root and making the choice to heal that space and accept the darker aspects of self in order to create the whole version of self.

"Shadow work is about trusting your triggers, because that’s where the healing lies."- Desireé B Stephens

Are you ready to do the work?